Thursday, May 21, 2009

A famous character. A singing branch

Well,I got some info from my great auntie in England, I am related to the Irish poet William butler Yeats. As being born in 1865 and a member of a very creative family his father was a painter and so was his brother Jack. But most of all a winner of the Noble prize for outstanding writing and one of the 20th centuries greatest writer. As I am speaking on Ascension day, not 40 days but over 40 years since he died in 1939. But his writing still remains. Such as
Cast a cold Eye
On Life, on Death.
Horseman, pass by.

concluding the final verse in Under Ben Bulben ( one of his last poems).

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

High in the sky, behind the desk or behind a rifle in the middle of India. An Alpine forest

Wilfred Noyce, a great uncle. Being born in 1917 and plummeted to his death in 1962 4000 ft, above the clouds in Mt Garmo with 23 year old Robin Smith. Wilfred was the eldest son of Sir Frank Noyce. Wilfred was head of the school at Charterhouse and a scholar of King's college, Cambridge, as well as becoming one of Briton's most finest mountaineers under the age of of 20, he also wrote two Welsh mountaineering handbooks. In 1935 at the age thirteen ( already an excellent climber) while climbing Scafell Wilfred was taking a fall at 180 ft a another mountaineer J Edwards saved him with his rope. Wilfred's war service was spent in a ambulance unit, in the Welsh Guards and the king's royal rifle unit in India. He also participated in the climbing of Mt Everest along side with the rest of the crew and his Sherpa Annullu. Wilfred wrote a collection of books such as "The gods are angry" and "South Col".

Friday, May 8, 2009

A painted war, A forming trunk

Guess what?, more war, but not like you've ever imagined painted war, a fight that made him pick up a brush and start creating. My Gt grandfather Ronald Simpson had a brother named Jack Churchill Simpson he also fought in the war. Jack served at Al'amein and Tobruk, North Africa, but in fact he was actually an architect and an artist ( I have one of his paintings).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blood and branches

World war two played a big part in both my families my mother's and my father's. My Gt grandfather Douglas become a prisoner of war and only after the war he was released. And my Gt grandparents moved from Switzerland to South Africa in 1933 because of the economic crisis. And last but not least my Gt grandfather Ronald served in five ships as a senior officer.